These self-help books suggestions are classified based on what you’ll get from them.

To succeed takes many different building blocks to create a bridge to prosperity.

You’ll find those building blocks highlighted down below with self-help books that give you the related knowledge.

The one to become a people person: How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to win friends and influence people - self-help books

Could also be called “how to be a decent human being 101”.

You enter adulthood not equipped to deal with people successfully.

This book teaches you how to shift the focus from yourself to the other individual when in contact with others. 

You’ll learn how to pick your battles and be appealing in your rapport with others.

If you choose to only read one book off of this list, pick this one.

It’ll have the biggest impact on your life as long as humans have to live in societies with other people.

The one to get you started RIGHT NOW: Everything is Figureoutable or The $100 Startup

The only difference between people staying in the same job their entire lives and entrepreneurs is that the latter got started. You can find 2 books in this category.

everything is figureoutable - self-help book

The first one is “Everything is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo. 

It very much gives that sense of urgency and why it’s pointless to wait around to feel ready. It also makes you ask yourself the right questions on your why, goals, obstacles, excuses, etc. 

You will learn a lot about yourself when reading this book. It is based on Marie Forleo’s story to success, so there is also a lot of stories to illustrate the personal development process.

the $100 startup - self-help books

The second book is “The $100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau.

It is in the same category as the previous one, as it also gives you the urge to start.

This book is maybe more actionable with concrete steps to get started and a little less self-discovery.

It tells the story of 50 entrepreneurs who started their successful business with $100 or less and now make more than $50k.

It is highly inspiring!

The one to find the time: The 4-Hour Workweek or The Miracle Morning or Digital Minimalism

The most common excuse of all when it comes to never getting anywhere in life is “I just don’t have time”. So here I give you not one book option but 3. Each brings a different perspective on where you could find time for yourself and your success.

4-hour workweek
miracle morning
digital minimalism

“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss.

This book is more of an action plan to transition from working your 9-5 job to generating enough passive income to live comfortably with little effort.

However, it is in the time management category as it makes you question your preconceptions about working time.

It also helps you being more efficient in your work to free up time for something else. Some of the tips are on the bold side so might not work for everyone.

“The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod.

This is accessible and applicable to probably everyone as we could all be waking up earlier to free up time. It is quite easy to implement if you stick to it and you might find yourself enjoying your mornings more.

As the author explains in the book, the best way to be sure you do something that matters to you or your future is to do it first thing in the morning before you find excuses to push it back.

So very helpful in that sense to use that extra time before life gets in the way.

However, I would recommend you “eat the meat and leave the bone” in this one as an extensive morning routine can also be a form of procrastination keeping you away from work that matters. 

Listen and apply his advice but make sure to tailor it to your own situation and prioritise what has the most impact.

“Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport.

This one is put in the time management category as it makes you realise how much time you lose on electronic devices and how to remedy it.

You will never honestly say “I just don’t have the time” after reading this book.

The truth is you probably have time but you’re most likely wasting it on entertainment that doesn’t matter just to “take a break”. Read the book, find the time and get started.

The one to create a winning plan: The 12 Week Year

12 week year

I have an entire blog post on this one that you can check out and download the free templates to implement the framework.

The basic idea is to set goals for shorter terms like 12 weeks so you don’t get lost procrastinating along the way. In 12 weeks, every day counts. Whereas in 12 months, you’re more likely to take a few months off. 

This one keeps you on track the entire time and focuses on processes to reach your goals. 

A must-read to create a bulletproof action plan on how to reach your goals.

The one to adopt a successful mindset: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or Think and Grow Rich

7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Think and grow rich

However, the lessons they contain are still applicable today. 

Both of these self-help books are a bit old although one more than the other. “Think and Grow Rich” came out in 1937, whereas “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” came out in 1989. 

They are both about mindsets and ways to become someone successful by addressing how you react and take actions instead of settling for mediocrity and finding excuses.

Let us know which self-help books impacted you the most and what you’re going to read next!

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