Look your best to feel your best. Appearances are clearly not the most important. However, you can’t deny their part in society and your state of mind.

Looking your best doesn’t have to equal looking like everyone else or the ideal standards of beauty. 

Clothes, make-up, hair are a form of self-expression, you should use them as you see fit. Dress as you like, life is too boring otherwise.

Photo by Gio Bartlett on Unsplash

1. Prioritise your beauty care

Clothes aren’t necessarily the most impactful part of your appearance. 

Taking a few minutes styling your hair instead of letting it flow with the wind could make a bigger difference. 

Tidy nails are important, although nail polish isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 

Beauty and self-care are about feeling fresh and pampered. 

Make-up is very personal and there is no right way to do it, just make sure it makes you feel good. It shouldn’t be a mask, do what feels right to you.

2. Pick harmonious colours and patterns

See your outfit as a canvas, it’s about composition and harmony. 

Monochrome looks are often welcomed, they look bold and elegant easily. 

Colours and patterns are a great way to spice things up but it takes more practise to mix and match harmoniously. 

Choosing your look isn’t always simple. It is truly an art, there is no wrong or right way, it is all about how it makes you feel. 

You can experiment and look into the best colour palette for your hair and skin tone. See it as a guide to explore new territories more than a barrier to constrict you into one specific style.

If you want to add to your wardrobe in an eco-friendly way and without emptying your bank account, check out this article full of tips to start thrifting.

3. Know your strengths and capitalise on them

All bodies are different and everyone will always want what they don’t have.

Hair colour, hair type, skin colour, height, measurements, etc. There are many ways to aspire to something different.

Instead of looking at everything you’d like to change, focus on what you love. If you make sure to highlight the parts you like the most, that’s what people will see. 

Identify your strengths and capitalise on them. 

Each individual is a brand, and your look is your marketing campaign. 

Take a natural deodorant, for example, a well-designed marketing campaign will shout how healthier it is for you and the planet. They’ll say that it is eco-friendly and packaged in a recyclable glass jar. And so you buy because of its strengths. They don’t shout on every roof that applying it can get messy and that the paste gets stuck beneath your nails.

That would be terrible marketing.

Be your own badass marketing director and learn to highlight your strengths.

4. Take more risks

If you don’t find joy in dressing up a certain way maybe your clothes aren’t resonating with your personality. 

You can be a bit adventurous with your outfits if it feels right. Life is too boring to dress like everyone else. 

Also, there will always be someone who doesn’t like your look, even if you act like a good sheep that copies the mainstream trend. So if you can’t make everyone happy, might as well make yourself happy.

If you’re not used to experimenting with new clothes, start small and slowly expand your comfort zone. Going at it too quickly might result in new items that stay at the back of your wardrobe because you don’t feel comfortable enough with them. 

It is completely legitimate to fear looking ridiculous, but building your confidence slowly will help you trust your instincts and follow what feels right.

5. Build your self-confidence to look your best

There is nothing more attractive than someone confident about who they are.

While appearances matter to a certain extent, nothing can outshine self-confidence. 

You’ll stand taller, smile larger, feel better. 

Confidence is the best accessories you could ever wear.

It doesn’t come overnight and takes time to build, but it is your greatest ally to look your best.

The main takeaway is that your look is a form of self-expression. Do not lazily wear anything and think nothing of it. The only way to look your best is to show the world who you truly are.

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