There are 3 mindsets you need to be rich and heal your relationship with money.

It is such a taboo subject and yet we are expected to have a healthy relationship with money.

I have recently read the book “Be a Badass at Making Money” written by Jen Sincero. This book has opened my eyes to how I was mistreating money at every turn.

Here are a few things I learnt reading it.

Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

Money isn’t Evil

You probably heard it before that money was evil. The truth is it’s as evil as a car is or anything else out there.

Money in itself isn’t the root of all evil. It’s what you do with it that can be good or bad. 

Money is merely a means to an end. It doesn’t carry any emotional weight. It’s waiting for you to use it in the best possible way.

Think about all the wonderful things money can buy and all the good you could do if you had the funds to do so.

How about the saying “Money can’t buy happiness”? It’s the simple things in life that bring you happiness, right?

Whilst it’s true that time spent with loved ones will always be the most precious moments, having money doesn’t prevent that.

On the contrary, having money will facilitate those precious times.

List all the things that make you happy, here is my list below.

Be rich and happy
Be rich and value precious moments

Sure money can’t buy all of it, but it allows you to get rid of a burden and to fulfil your potential. Money can help make you happier and spread that joy around by sharing your riches with other people.

It never was a choice between cherishing moments and money.

To be in a good financial space can only make your life better. And we are here to thrive not just settle.

Being poor doesn’t make you a Better Person

How is it that people can bond over being broke but shouldn’t rejoice in having money? 

It’s almost a universal truth among middle and lower classes that rich people are selfish. How else could they have gotten where they are?

The truth is there are selfish, mean, and stingy rich people. But so are some poor people. 

Being rich doesn’t turn you into someone evil, and being poor doesn’t make you a good person.

There are black sheep on both sides no matter their bank account.

If you think you’re poor because you’re generous and don’t want to hoard goods all for yourself, imagine what having riches could allow you to do?

Wouldn’t a bigger wallet enable you to give more to others?

List all the good you could bring to the world and how you could care for the people you love if you had the budget for it. Here is my list below.

Be rich to do good
Make a difference with money

You have to be aware of all your assumptions about money and understand where they’re coming from.

If you want to be rich, you shouldn’t hate what you’re trying to become. 

You Deserve to Be Rich

Coming from a business school full of brats, I never wanted to appear like a conceited person. Add to it the impostor syndrome and I have been selling myself short for years now.

Have you been selling yourself short?

If so, let’s do it no more. Rewrite your story, you are capable and you should play your strengths.

How about if your life circumstances prevent you from becoming as rich as you want?

It’s true that we don’t all have the same starting point. Some people will have to hustle more than others. 

Nevertheless, no matter where you are at the moment, someone else with worse cards has done it before.

We believe what we tell ourselves. So if you tell yourself you could never become rich, then you’ll prove yourself right.

You have to decide to go and grab the life you deserve with both hands. When there’s a will, there’s a way.

You can’t spend your only existence thinking the life you want is out of reach. It won’t be an easy ride to get there. 

But if you want it hard enough and do everything you can and most importantly believe you can, you will thrive and become the best version of yourself.

Being rich will look different for everyone. You don’t need to be a billionaire to be rich. 

To be rich, you need to have enough money to buy the life you want.

Let’s stop ignoring our desires and let’s start fulfilling our greatest potential. You deserve it. 

Check out my post on the 12-week year to reach your goals and get the life you want.

In her book, Jen Sincero states that all it takes to be rich is a decision. You need to decide to become rich and the riches will follow where your mindset leads.

Let’s decide together that we deserve it and are capable of acquiring riches to live our best life and share it with the people we love.

I recommend you read the book “How to Be a Badass at Making Money”, it’s truly inspiring and full of good vibes.

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