A morning routine is a trendy concept and can be overly complicated.

However, what it comes down to is quite simple: do something in the morning that makes you want to get up.
It can be hard to get out of your warm comfy bed, especially during the cold months.

Build a morning routine that makes you excited enough not to snooze twenty times.

You should be looking forward to your morning routine, here are a few pointers on how to create one using the Miracle Morning book for inspiration.

morning routine
Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash


It can mean whatever you want it to be.

For some, it’s a time for prayer. For others, that’s when they meditate. You could also take it as an opportunity for a few deep breaths.

More than everything else, it’s a time to centre yourself and start your day peacefully.

I use this time to practise gratitude. It’s been proven times and times again that focusing on what you have instead of what you want makes you happier.

We have a lot to be thankful for every single day.

You can take as long as you want or as little time as you wish on this. Or you can skip it entirely if you feel like it isn’t for you.
No one knows better than you what your morning routine should look like. Make it your own.


They are also a trendy subject. But with all the negative thoughts we feed our brains, it’s important to be intentional about affirmations we want to believe in.

There’s a video online of a little boy repeating his affirmations on his way to school: “I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything”.

They can be as simple as that, positive words flooding your brain.
Or they can go hand in hand with the law of attraction and be something you wish to become or have one day.

Using kinder words to address yourself is important, you deserve grace. But again, you can decide if this practice is for you or not.


It can be short term or long term.

You can choose to picture your day ahead and see yourself having great success to boost your confidence for the day.

Or you can choose to visualise your life down the road to keep you motivated to keep going. It’s easier to keep the pace when you see the finish line and where it leads you.


A hit of endorphins to start your day on the right foot.

Choose an activity you enjoy and not resent.

I’m not a runner, so if you tell me I need to get out of bed to head outside in the cold and jog, it’s probably not going to happen.
If that’s your thing then it’s perfect.

But if you’re not sure you enjoy it enough, try something else like yoga or pilates.
You can and plenty of home workout videos. Maybe do a quick HIIT workout if you’re on a tight schedule.

Check out my post on how to love your workout routine.

There’s no better way to wake up your whole body and energise you for the rest of the day.


In the book Miracle Morning, the author states how time can get away from us and we end our day without doing everything our good intentions wanted us to accomplish.

Reading is one of those tasks we always want to do more of because we know how beneficial it is.

But it’s also one of the first things to go when we don’t have time.

Reading as part of your morning routine is a way to make time for it instead of trying to find the time.


Journaling can be whatever you want it to be, it’s only about putting words to paper regularly.

It can help sorting thoughts out and gain clarity on yourself or a situation.
Seeing the words can help you understand them better.

Morning Routine Bonus – The sensory dimension

To take your morning routine to the next level, add a sensory dimension to it.

It can be lighting your favourite candle every day. The smell can be a trigger for the rest of your habit.

But you can also drink your favourite beverage or have a great breakfast.
Food is definitely a good enough reason to get me out of my bed.

You could also create a morning playlist with upbeat songs you like to get you grooving for the rest of the day.

There are so many ways to make your mornings special and perfect for you.

Morning routines are about creating the habit of happiness first thing in the morning.

You can make it as fancy or as simple as you need it to be.
It’s about treating yourself to a kind start to your day instead of dreading and rushing.

Your bed won’t be the place you want to be in the morning anymore.

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