It is exciting and a tad dreading to start a new job. 

You want to make a good impression on your new colleagues and learn as best as you can.

Here are a few tips to start your new work on the right foot.

start a new job
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Ask the right questions and take notes

When you start a new job, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions.

On the contrary, it shows interest in your work and your eagerness to learn.

However, try not to ask the same questions times and times again.

To prevent that, have a notebook with you everywhere for the first while to take notes. 

Your notes will look messy and they don’t always prevent you from asking the same things twice.

But they will trigger your memory and help make sense of it all faster. 

You’ll receive tons of new information and training in the beginning that you probably won’t apply straight away. Your notes will help guide you at a later date when you actually need the information. 

Even if something seems clear at first, try to take note of it still, as your brain might get overflown with new information and can’t retain everything.

Also, try to figure things out by yourself instead of disrupting your new colleagues every ten seconds. However, if you’ve been stuck on something for more than 5 minutes with no clue where you should take your next step, ask for help.

Your new team will gladly help you, especially if they sense your devotion and commitment to get up to speed.

Learn about the people

When you start a new job, you’re also joining a new team.

Getting to know your new colleagues should be almost as important as learning about the work.

Asking appropriate questions about them will spark up conversations and make you sound friendly and interesting. 

People love to talk about themselves after all. 

Learning what you have in common with your coworkers will help integrate yourself within the team.

Lunch breaks or coffee breaks are usually appropriate times to switch your brain from work to bonding with your colleagues.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

When you start your training, you will probably come across ways of doing things that seem unpractical. 

You probably have ideas on how things could be done better. After all, they hired you for a reason.

But before you tell everyone how they’ve been doing wrong, seek understanding first.

Something might be done in a less straightforward way for a reason.

Or you might realise that your idea could not be implemented because of something.

You could realise after a while that your idea could work and be more efficient or find an even better method along the way.

Take notes of the ideas you have as they come so you can come back to them later as you understand the company and processes better. 

It will help you perfect your input and present it in the best way possible whilst also altering the first impression. 

We all want to do well straight away but you want to avoid sounding cocky and self-righteous. 

Keep in mind that you want to implement your ideas to help your team instead of focusing on doing well and showing off your skills. 

On the other hand, if you feel like you understand the processes well and still think there could be a better way, speak up! 

Nothing is usually perfect from the get-go and your input could bring improvements to the way things are.

Be eager to learn and organised, friendly, and interested in others, and let your idea mature with your experience in your new position.

Do all of this and you will start your new job well.

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