To get what you want in life, you need to identify a direction. Choose your goal and aim at it every day.

Getting clear on what you want isn’t easy, and you may feel lost in the process.

Ask yourself these questions and be honest in your answers.

what do you want in life
Photo by Avi Werde on Unsplash

What is the most important goal you’re ready to solve, achieve or figure out?

This is the big picture kind of goal. Don’t say you don’t know.

You might not know everything you want but you know plenty.

Visualise your ideal life

Visualisation is a great tool to understand better what you want in life.

You’ve probably imagined a life you want many times before. Maybe there’s always something that keeps coming back in your visualisation? What is always constant?

Get specific in your visualisation.

Where are you? What is your schedule? Who are you with?

Try to pinpoint the elements that makes this your ideal life and not just another version of settling.

If you’re still not sure, try the following exercise.

Visualise the life you resent the most

Are you still stuck in the same boring job?

Do you feel unhappy in your relationships?

Do you live in a sad condo in a city you loathe?

Why is this picture your worst life possible? What elements make it so unbearable?

Find what is most essential to your happiness and make it your life mission to get it.

What goals or projects are you excited to work on in the next year?

If you can’t think of anything, finish the following sentence: “Wouldn’t it be cool if…

List all that comes to mind and leave nothing out.

Pick the ones you are most excited for, the ones you connect with the most, and list the reasons behind those goals (if you don’t have clear favourites in your list of projects, list the reasons for each of them).

Why do you want to achieve this goal?

List all the reasons and grade how important each reason is on a scale from 1 to 10.

Find the one goal you feel the strongest connection to, the one with the most important reasons.

Focus on one goal for the next year, take a step towards it every day.

Start today.

Don’t just research how to reach your goal. Take action, do something that will bring you closer to it today.

You know what you want in life, but you’re scared to admit it

It’s too easy to say “I don’t know”.

The truth is you know more than you want to admit, because actually trying is terrifying.

Failure when you haven’t chosen your game and are not playing is easy to recover from.

Being clear on what you want in life and risking your comfort to go after it is scary.

But fear isn’t a valid reason to stay put and settle for less.

Settling for a life you have no interest in is the scariest thing of all.

Be honest, focused, determined, and get what you came to earth for.

Stay clear with what you want in life and keep going after it. Settling isn’t an option, you deserve so much better.

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