Discover how to manage time in your daily routine to make room for a full-time work and a side hustle.

Let me share my daily routine with you and make sure to implement my tips to improve your productivity and time management.

Make sure to scroll all the way down to find the free printable and plan your daily routine for great results. 

Daily Routine Printable to balance 9 to 5 job and side hustle


Reading the book “Miracle Morning” helped me understand how best to create a morning routine with what matters.

When you start your day with the most important, you ensure you attend to your priorities daily.

That’s exactly why each person will have a different morning routine. We don’t all value the same things at the same time.

If you want an in-depth guide on how to tailor a morning routine to your personal needs, check this post.

Currently, my 3 priorities are:

  1. My brand
  2. Fitness
  3. Mental health

Being very clear on my priorities helps me see which pieces of the puzzle need to fit. The second step is to figure out how to make them do so.

Remember to download your free printable at the end of this post. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Here’s how I organise my mornings

I usually wake up at 5:30AM and make my way to the kitchen to make a coffee. I also drink a big glass of water as I find it helps wake me up. 

Then I check in with myself to know where my headspace stands. 

If I feel like I need a moment to land on my feet, I’ll do one of the following (or combine them):

  • Journal: to understand better where my blocks come from
  • Enjoy the silence and breathe: I’ll mindfully sip on coffee or knit to focus on a specific task and calm my mind
  • Listen to a podcast or an audiobook: The Health Code Daily is my favourite to get me going. I’ve also been listening back to “The Compound Effect” audiobook as a 5-minute snippet, a little goes a long way.

I then jump to the side hustle part of my morning.

While building my brand, I’m focusing on and enjoying making content for Instagram.

It gets my creative juice going which I never use in my day job. 

I research the kind of post I want to make, find an idea I like and execute it. Depending on the day and the type of post, this takes between 30 minutes and an hour.

When the Instagram post is drafted, the caption written and the hashtags ready, I move on to the next phase. 

Depending on the day, I’ll either work out, do yoga, go for a walk or jump straight into my day job. 

Day Job (part 1)

My starting time is flexible between 7AM and 9AM which gives me plenty of time and freedom to complete all the above before beginning my day job.

Working from home allows me to take 5 minutes here and there to connect on Instagram when work isn’t too busy. 

I also make sure to take a 15-minute break to take a step back from both works.

Lunch break

When lunch break comes, I assess how I feel. If it’s been a very busy morning, I find that going for a walk helps take the pressure off. Again, thanks to working from home, I can just eat at my desk before or after a walk. 

If I don’t feel like walking, I’ll have lunch whilst listening to an audiobook and I’ll chill a bit on my couch. 

Daily routine Pinterest pin

Day Job (part 2)

This is pretty similar to the first part, except that I take 5-10 minutes to post the content I made in the morning on Instagram and engage for a few minutes.


Afterwork, I keep it pretty light as my productivity peaks in the morning. 

If I haven’t been on a walk, I make sure to do so in the evening. I try not to be too far off 10K steps every day.

Sometimes when the energy level is good, I’ll make some pins for Pinterest and/or plan the content I want to make the next morning.

I also make sure to engage on Instagram as this is the most active time on the platform. 

And for entertainment, I’ll either listen to an audiobook or, if it’s been a long day at work, watch a movie. 

I’ve been more and more careful in avoiding any mindless activities. 

From experience, I hate the feeling of having wasted 3 hours on YouTube or Netflix.

Therefore, I’m very intentional about what I choose to do in the evening so the hours don’t get away from me without any notice.

And then I start all over again the next day.

On the weekends, I keep a similar morning routine and I also work on a weekly blog post.

The first step to my weekly blog post is to research a good idea I want to write about.

Once that’s done, I’ll draft it, review it, make it SEO-friendly, add visuals, schedule it and make pins for Pinterest. 

And that’s how I shape my daily routine to make my 9 to 5 and side hustle work together. 

You’ll find below the free printable to create your daily routine that meets your needs. 

Make sure to let me know if this was helpful and check out @olympeandgeorge on Instagram to see the result of my morning hustle. 

Sharing is caring!