Are you looking for the healthy habits that will have the biggest impact on your life?

Prioritise the following healthy habits for the next few months and you will see the massive difference.

focus on healthy habits now
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

1. Prioritise Sleep

I probably sound like a broken record at this point but getting enough sleep is crucial. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re only sleeping 5-6 hours every night.

Only 3% of the population can thrive on 6 hours of sleep, leaving an overwhelming 97% needing 7-9 hours of sleep.

Sleep deprivation is an obstacle to learning and mental health (anxiety, depression, mood swings, etc.).

It also messes with your hormones, increasing hunger and decreasing satiety.

It makes you too tired to exercise or be active, and is also a major cause of car accidents.

Everyone is better off getting enough sleep. To improve your sleep, check out this post with simple tips to implement in your daily life.

2. Be active

You don’t need a gym to be a healthy and fit human being.

Choose the active life over the sedentary one.

  • Go for walks frequently
  • Introduce biking as a mean of transportation in your daily life.
  • Play games with friends (football, volleyball, tennis, squash, golf, basketball, etc.)
  • Follow a yoga video to get your body moving
  • Work on your skills (handstand, pull-ups, split, etc.)
  • Have fun in the water (swim, surf, row, etc.)

There are infinite ways to be active and fit that don’t require a gym membership.

3. Be mindful

The average Netflix user spends 3.2 hours on the platform every day.

Our average daily use of social media exceeds 2 hours every day.

You think you don’t have enough time? Here are 5 hours to reclaim daily.

But it’s probably not all. Be mindful of how you spend your time in your daily life.

Chances are you’re spending more time on useless things than you realise.

Have an honest look at your daily habits and see if they align with your values.

Let go of habits that are not serving you.

Try a detox for 30 days to start. Go an entire month without Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.

Find boredom in the void those services leave behind and fill this time with fulfilling activities.

You won’t want to go back to wasting 5 hours every day afterwards. Your time is so very precious.

In relation to this, I recommend reading “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport, learn more about this book in this post.

4. Fuel your body

Good nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on eating your fruits and vegetables.

Eat real foods and drink water. No need to be extremely strict about it.

If you eat whole food most of the time and drink water most of the time then you’re doing better than most people.

It is important for the body to get the nutrients it needs, which aren’t much in processed foods.

Try to see food as fuel. If you give your car the wrong fuel, it won’t work.

Your body is very similar in the sense that it has all these wonderful mechanisms to work properly but you need to give it the right material to thrive.

Focus on adding good foods to your diet instead of restricting yourself.

5. Keep learning

Learning is such a healthy habit for the brain and the soul.

We are all constantly evolving, it is normal to aspire to change and improve.

Learning is a mean to an end, it’s the bridge between who you are now and who you want to be.

There are many ways to keep learning every day even as an adult.

  • Read a book (or listen to it on Audible)
  • Download an app (eg. Duolingo to learn languages)
  • Enrol in a short online course (, Coursera,
  • Go back to university (full-time, part-time, taking night classes, online)

Don’t limit yourself and aim to learn every day.

Do yourself a favour and stick with these 5 healthy habits. What would your life look like if you finally prioritised your well-being?

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