Home office is getting a bit old but it might still be a few more months before you go back to the office.

Here are some strategies on how to mix things up to stop feeling stuck at home.

home office
Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash

1. Mix up your space with what you have

An easy brand to get a brand new feel from a place is to move furniture around.

You can rearrange furniture within a room to get a new perspective.

In addition, you can also switch furniture between different rooms.

I recently moved my home office from the living room to my bedroom and did the opposite with my couch. My living room now feels like a new space with a chill atmosphere.

It’s an effective way to make you enjoy an old space as if it were new.

2. Invest in the ambience

Although the previous tip didn’t involve any money, this second one goes a step further.

If you can’t move your furniture around any more and still need a fresh touch, you can add to your space.

To each their own budget, but depending how many more months of home office you’ll have, it might be worth investing in some comfort.

Make it a space you’re excited to work in.

3. Switch up your schedule

If doing the same things over and over again isn’t working anymore, maybe try changing up your schedule.

This will depend on how flexible your working time is of course.

It might also be worth getting up earlier to enjoy your morning for yourself before giving the rest of your day to your employer.

Notice what you feel like you don’t have time for and start your day with it.

Make what’s important to you a priority in your day.

If you’re not sure how to do that, check out this post about creating your own morning routine fit for your lifestyle.

4. Breaks matter: maximise their use

You probably get a few breaks throughout the day, be sure to make the most of them to truly disconnect.

Identify which activities bring you joy and reset your mind by doing them in the middle of the day.

Tasty nutritious food is also a great component of breaks. Have healthy snacks on hand to boost your energy.

Here are a few ideas for a mindful break:

  • going for a walk
  • doing a quick HIIT workout
  • following a yoga video
  • reading a few pages of a book
  • listening to good music
  • practising an instrument
  • meditating
  • etc.

5. Dress for success… but mostly for yourself

Staying in your sweatpants all week isn’t serving anyone.

It’s so easy to let yourself go because you don’t have to make an effort whilst staying home all day every day.

But you deserve better.

Get ready for yourself. Treat yourself with respect by making an effort.

This will have the biggest impact on your mood.

Home office will hopefully come to an end soon, but in the meantime let’s stay happy at home.

Use these tips to renew your space and find new energy.

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