You may want to start running to get in shape, mix up your training or challenge yourself. 

Your motivation is strong and yet, putting on your trainers and getting outside is another story.

I spent most of my life thinking running sucked and that people who do it are just lying to themselves when they said they love it. 

If you told me 3 months ago that one day I’d enjoy running, I would have laughed in your face.

That’s how much I disliked running, but I made it work for me and in 6 weeks you can start to appreciate running too with these 5 tips.

how to start running and enjoy it
Photo by Kristian Egelund on Unsplash

1. Make a plan to stay consistent

Running a marathon is on your bucket list? If it is, its distance of 42km (26 miles) will scare you into inaction. 

This post is not about getting you to run a marathon in 6 weeks, but getting you to start running in the first place.

You have got to start small if you want to build up your training and not give up in the process.

Running long distances can be hard on your body so I’d recommend running once a week to start with. 

I saw results in my performance in 6 weeks even by only running once a week. You need to be kind to your body and let it adapt slowly.

Create a spreadsheet if you like, and write down your weekly running goals in combination with the next tip in this article. 

2. Alternate longer distances and sprints

This is quite simple to implement. 

One week you run your long distance. And one week you go for a sprints session. 

This helps grow your cardio resilience as the sprints get your heartbeat going strong. 

Apart from this technical goal, it also mixes things up.

Running the same few kilometres or miles days in and days out is a bore. 

The sprints session will break that routine and still bring progress to your training. 

Plus, it feels more manageable mentally to aim for 6, 8 or 10 sprints instead of running 3 or 5km, at least when you first start running. 

So make sure to alternate between long runs and sprint sessions in your running plan.

3. Track your progress

For anyone who is driven by numbers (I’m guilty of it ☝️) tracking your progress is SO important. 

My first long runs were 3 kilometres long. The exact same distance for all of them and I tracked each of them on my Apple Watch. 

That way I can compare the total time it took me to run each week and my average pace. I also tracked on the side the number of breaks I took running. 

track your progress when you start running

Between my first long run and my third, I got 1’16” faster per kilometre and went from taking 3 breaks in the process to taking none at all. 

The speed of progress when you start running is unbelievable. 

The most impressive change is when you go from hating every second of it to enjoying it mildly. Witnessing your body adapting to the effort in such a short time is so rewarding. 

The progress is the most enjoyable part. 

Your body is capable of so much if you invest in it, stay consistent and give it time. 

4. Have a banger playlist

Your mental strength is as important as your physical strength when you start running. 

One way to keep the mind distracted and happy is to have it focus on some amazing upbeat songs.

Spotify’s playlist “Songs to Sing in the Shower” had me push through an uphill section of the run. 

Listening to a banger helps a lot so make sure to give it a go. 

5. Start running somewhere you enjoy

In the same hope of keeping your mind busy so it doesn’t notice what you’re doing to your body, running someplace nice is another trick.

Running for a long time can get dull. 

A bit of music and scenery goes a long way to keep things interesting. 

It’s not a requirement but might as well put a little thought into your running route to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Start running for yourself with these 5 tips and you’ll see great progress in your performance.

Keep going, it’ll get easier with each week.

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