This abs challenge is a 10-minute workout that focuses on your abs with a slight emphasis on obliques.

It was created last year by Chloe Ting, a fitness YouTuber.

I’ve been doing this challenge for the past two weeks and here’s what I thought about it.

Abs challenge
Abs challenge results

Trying to be healthier for the summer? Find out the 5 healthy habits that will get you there.

The Abs Challenge Workout

You can find the complete workout on Chloe Ting’s YouTube channel here.
She takes you through all the exercises in real-time.

The rhythm of the workout consists of 2 30-second exercises back to back followed by a 10-second break.

The exercises are quite varied, as in the whole workout she only repeats two of them.

I personally watched her video once and then created a workout on the Tabata app so I could listen to my music whilst doing it.

I incorporated the workout in my routine as a finisher of every session.

It’s one of those workouts where it can be as hard as you make it. I feel like that’s the case of most timed workouts.

As you’re not counting any repetitions, you can go slowly and not break a sweat. But that’s not really the point.

If you do the entire workout with proper form and a decent rhythm, it’ll burn your abs in the best way.

It honestly got easier though, probably thanks to muscle memory.

My last up and down planks are unrecognisable compared to the first day of the challenge.

I only think it’s a great workout to learn your different abs parts and how to activate each of them. It definitely teaches you a palette of exercises you can use in your workout routine.

The Results

I’ve seen people with night and day results with this abs challenge. That wasn’t the case for me physically wise at least.

Quick disclaimer: my before pictures were taken right after my holiday hence the tan. My after pictures are a result of two weeks back in the Irish weather.

If we look at my before and after pictures, there aren’t any massive differences. The side picture shows more definition in the obliques, that might be the biggest change.

Frontal before picture
Frontal after the abs challenge picture
After the abs challenge

There is more definition in the after picture, my abs are popping a tad more. I’m pretty happy with those even though the change isn’t drastic.

Side before picture
Side after the abs challenge picture
After the abs challenge

To be honest the lack of transcendent change might be due to my diet these past couple weeks. I went back to the office last week which was a bit stressful and I didn’t eat in the cleanest way.

But I didn’t want to restrict myself food-wise to show unrealistic results. I kept it pretty low key diet wise and ate as much as I felt like it. Giving myself grace during stressful times.

Whilst the external results aren’t impressive, internally I feel much stronger.

All the exercises got way easier with time and I think I do them with a better form and consistency now.

I notice the difference when I do handstands. It requires a lot of core strength and the abs challenge has helped me find more balance and confidence.

I enjoy a good fitness challenge to mix up my routine and keep things interesting. I think it’s a great way to try something new and to learn different exercises.

If you want to learn more about how to love your fitness routine, check out my post about it.

Let me know how the abs challenge goes for you if you give it a go.

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